Espace Bocaud
Launch date :
Amount :
Remaining to be won :
620 €
120 €
Amount620 €
Remaining to be won120 €
Launch date :
Amount :
Remaining to be won :
620 €
120 €
Amount620 €
Remaining to be won120 €
Dépose les contenus que tu as réalisé (reel et stories) pour le centre commercial Espace Bocaud de Jacou :
- PHASE 1 :
- PHASE 2 LA BOîTE à PAND'OR : @fraichecommelacreme
- PHASE 3 KRYS & APOTHICAL : @mamansoccupedetout
- PHASE 4 :
J'ai été à l'Espace Commercial Bocaud à Jacou hier et en fait c'est trop bien !
Il y a 60 commerces et services avec des marques comme Intermarché, Casa Nota, Energie Fit, Krys ou encore Apothical !
Pour la rentrée c'est parfait, tu peux trouver tout ce dont tu as besoin ;)
In this campaign your likes can be multiplied by 1, 2 or 3 stars depending on the quality of the post to turn into tokens :
Pending | Post under validation. A slight modification of the text due to a typing error can be requested. |
Rejected | The post does not correspond to the campaign, does not highlight the campaign, displays visual content that is not relevant to the targeted campaign. |
Presence of # and @ tags, valid text, evocation of the campaign with visual content on the campaign subject. | |
Presence of # and @ tags, valid text and at the beginning of the text box, effective evocation of the campaign and eye-catching content on the subject. | |
Presence of #and @ tags, valid and promoting text, effective campaign announcement and visual content provided by the briefing. |
The more these criteria you meet, the more stars you will receive
The more these criteria are met, the more stars you will receive